Monday, May 25, 2015

Let's Talk Chat Rooms

I guess I'm actually going to try and blog and we'll see who actually cares, but as a Senior in High School graduating in two weeks, my life is very interesting. We'll start with something that happened recently.

About a week ago, due to mere boredom, I decided to enter a chat room. It was the worst decision of my life! Not only was everyone only looking for sex/sexting they all acted incredibly stupid. And as soon as I logged on as a young female, I didn't give my real age, all the supposedly male users were on me moth on a light. But not as graceful. More like a bunch of sea lions coming out of the sea. It was embarrassing for the male population. These "men" (because you can never be sure on the internet. I am not criticizing their manhood based on their actions) are the reason men have a bad reputation in our society.

The one "man" (see previous quotation marks note) that was decent that spoke with me was actually a delight. He used proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and made no attempted to ask me about my relationship status or location. We actually had a very decent conversation until I decided I wanted to go to sleep.

Okay, so what I'm trying to say is that you really should listen when people tell you not to go onto chat rooms. Because you really don't know what's going on and who's there. Unless you make a private chat room only for you and your friends, but with text nowadays you don't really need that. Also, chat rooms are capable of destroying your sanity. So. Many. Idiots. And they're all obsessed with sex. Unless you're into that kind of stuff, in which case my blog is probably not for you, do not enter a public chat room! Let me repeat. DO. NOT. ENTER A PUBLIC CHAT ROOM! If you're anything like me, you will regret it. But on the other hand, if you're anything like me, you now need to see what I'm talking about. If this is the case, please. Please! Do not use your real name or anything that could be used to trace you. Also, enter your age as something not your real age. So teens, because I'm guessing that's my audience, should enter their age as something in the 20's. \

Please be careful out there on the interwebs guys!

E.K. out!

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