Sunday, May 31, 2015

If I Never Knew You Letter #7

Erza Kirkland

Death the Kid
Death City, Japan

Dear Kid,

You won't believe what's happened! Well, actually, you probably will, but anyway. L proposed! We're currently back in Japan. L is working on a case here. He wants me to stay with you for my safety, but that's stupid. He always remains perfect secrecy. Just in case you haven't heard, there's a person killing criminals with a heart attack. They're calling him Kira. L has deduced that he needs a name and a face to kill. but enough about him. 

Me and L are going to have a simple wedding. Without a date or flowers. It's just going to be spontaneous. I'll try and let you know. After all, I need my man of honor. But I hope you understand why it might not happy. My parents aren't even invited. I called and told them about it, but they weren't too happy. I am a grown woman though and they have to accept my decision. They do love L though and trust him with me.

L is afraid to dying on this case. I know he won't want to get married if he's going to die. But you know me. I'll insist on getting married. I don't live with "what-ifs" every well. On the other hand, I don't want to be a widow. But you can't have it all. I'll just enjoy every minute we get together. I wrote a poem that sums up my feelings very well. I don't have room here, but I'll put it on the back.

His voice calls to me,
The shadows flee.
I cannot live
Without him.
I don't know
How I did before.
But I know
I can't again.
If he dies,
Lay me by him
And let this be my tribute.
That the girl who loved
Died by the same power.

Your friend forever,
                             Erza Kirkland

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