Sunday, May 31, 2015

If I Never Knew You Letter #5


Erza Kirkland and Death the Kid
Death City, Japan

Dear Erza and begrudgingly Kid,
I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the airport. I got lost. Please don’t tell anyone else that I have a horrible sense of direction. I’ll meet you in Death City in a few days. Watari and Kiku will make sure I  get there.
To Kid: Yes, I did deduce your letter to me. I’ve decided that you are a normally silent young man who becomes uncontrollable when when those you love are threatened. Fear not, I have no intention of hurting your precious cousin.
To Erza: I very much enjoyed the poem you sent me and have decided to sent my own. I’ll add it at the end. You know I love you, but my reasoning has deduced that if I don’t tell you, your love for me will decrease by approximately 10%. So, I love you my darling Erza. At this point, I would add some fluffy compliments, but this is not a private letter. Therefore, I will save those for when we see each other.
With that, I bid you both farewell. Hopefully you will see me before you see this letter, but in the chance you don’t, know I will be arriving soon.

Beauty illuminates your face.
Seeing each other is a gift.
What keeps us apart is always a case.

I know you have bought something lace.
When I see you, your eyes will lift.
Beauty illuminates your face.

We both work at constant pace.
Sometimes we are miffed.
For what keeps us apart is always a case.

To your side, I now race.
Hurry, to seal the rift.
As beauty illuminates your face.

To your love, I make haste.
But always parted by the cliff.
Of what keeps us apart, always a case.

How I wish to take a mace
And as a knight, cause the shift.
Of beauty illuminating your face.
But what keeps us apart is always a case.

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