Saturday, May 30, 2015

If I Never Knew You Letter #2

Death the Kid
Death City, Japan

Erza Kirkland
Siberia, Russia

Dear Erza,

I'm glad to hear you're doing good. I can't wait to see you as well. You know I've never been one for writing on paper, or writing in general. Has it really been 3 years since we've last seen each other?

Not much has happened here. Liz and Patty keep me somewhat sane. Make and Soul are officially dating now. took them long enough. Black Star is still annoying, though Tsubaki has mellowed him a little bit. Just a little, like a grain of sand. The little d**k.

I've been taking really good pictures lately. I have to tell you about this waterfall I found. There was a blanket of moss on the rocks sleeping next to it and the water swayed like drying blankets in a crisp summer wind. I closed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. When I opened my eyes, the blanket of water continued to flow in a soft symphony sound. It was like the gently flow of an oboe and not the raucous blast of a trumpet. I sat down and almost didn't want to nap a picture and invade the peace. But I snapped it anyway and now I have a picture worth a million words.

I can't wait to show you around. Kiku's been in thought with me as well, so I'll be with him at the airport when you come. John sounds like a wonderful guy, but I can't be sure until I meet him. As long as he doesn't hit my shoulders. I'll see you in the next few weeks, but for now I have to deal with some keshan. 

Your friend,

                   Death the Kid

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