Friday, June 12, 2015

"Strong Independent Woman"

I'm a strong independent woman. Something that many people have told me and I know wholeheartedly. But I realized something about this phrase yesterday. During my Senior year of High School, I had a boy that I really liked. I still like him. He knows and we're still good friends. But yesterday we were playing a card game with some other friends, Nerts if you know how that goes, and he said, "You don't need to wait for him to play a card. You're a strong independent woman." A realization hit me like a ton of bricks when I got home and was thinking about it that night. 

I am strong, physically and emotionally. I am independent, I don't need people to complete my life or tell me what to do. I am woman, hear me roar. But more than that, I feel like this friend/crush was telling me something about our relationship. 

A little background first. We are both members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In the next year or so, he will be going on a Church mission to spread our religion. While I want a relationship to progress, I don't want to distract him from this calling. Even if he likes me, we both know it will be short lived.

Continuing on, this friend/crush has called me a strong independent woman before. This is not a first time thing. I realized that it's his way of friend-zoning me. Obviously we both still want to be friends, but more just isn't practical. With this simple phrase, he's telling me that I don't need him to complete my life. In a way, it's almost like he's encouraging me not to hunt for a guy, but let the guy hunt me. And honestly, I'm about 95% okay with this. The other 5% comes from me being a hopeless romantic and so I want a relationship. 

Anyway, that's is for today. Continue being strong independent people!

E.K out!

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