Poetry, satire, fanfiction, flash, rants, and just random tidbits for you my dear readers. If you've read any of my work anywhere else, you know that I can be fairly random hence the appropriate name "Random 'Ritin' with Erza Kirkland."
Friday, June 12, 2015
"Strong Independent Woman"
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
We live in a fake world.
Behind fake smiles and
"I'm doing good."
We play a game daily.
It's called,
"How long can I hide emotions?"
But I'm tired of hiding.
I'm tired of telling people,
"I'm doing ok."
Because it's a lie.
I want to say,
"I'm not good.
I'm not even okay."
I'm anxious and depressed.
The LGBT community is supressed.
My best friend can't be a girl,
Because she was born a boy.
My brother is disabled
By no fault of anyone.
I can't pay for school
Because it's college.
I'm lost in a big world.
I'm tired of pretending.
I don't want to grow up,
But that'd only be an ending.
How much longer must we hide?
Behind our fake smiles
There is hurt.
But don't show it!
If you show it you've lost.
Go straight to jail.
Do not pass go.
Do not collet $200.
We live in a fake world.
A world of game pieces
And dice.
But we are not rolling
For our fate.
And the winner
Takes it all.