Thursday, March 5, 2015

Repressed Love

I love him. For how long, I don't know. But I love him. I just realized it, two seconds ago, when he texted me in class.

"Sooo bored." I smiled and texted a quick reply.

"Ikr?!" I wait eagerly for the next text, but it never comes. Did I send the wrong thing? Did he ever get my message? Was his phone taken away? Maybe he's just doing his work like a good student. The bell rings and class ends. He's waiting outside my classroom door for me. He smiles wide and moves, but seems to freeze. What's wrong?!

"I'm sorry. I can't allow this to go on. I'm dating someone else," he says. My heart drops. I force a smile.

"I am too, so it's for the best," I answer. We are both lying, because it's not acceptable to love another man.

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