Thursday, March 5, 2015

Repressed Love

I love him. For how long, I don't know. But I love him. I just realized it, two seconds ago, when he texted me in class.

"Sooo bored." I smiled and texted a quick reply.

"Ikr?!" I wait eagerly for the next text, but it never comes. Did I send the wrong thing? Did he ever get my message? Was his phone taken away? Maybe he's just doing his work like a good student. The bell rings and class ends. He's waiting outside my classroom door for me. He smiles wide and moves, but seems to freeze. What's wrong?!

"I'm sorry. I can't allow this to go on. I'm dating someone else," he says. My heart drops. I force a smile.

"I am too, so it's for the best," I answer. We are both lying, because it's not acceptable to love another man.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Double Life

My claws dug into the earth as I stalked the moose. A flash of grey fur, and my lunch was gone. I growled and chased after the two. I saw the body of the other wolf and over-passed him quickly, giving him a snarl as I went. I quickly caught up to the moose and jumped, landing on her back. My claws found flesh, and my teeth snapped her neck. I turned to see the other wolf run up. I crouched, ready to attack and defend my meal. His tail wagged and then dropped. He sat, showing he didn't want to fight. I growled, but didn't relax. He whined. I noticed he was young, only about a season old. I turned my back to him and started eating. I heard his soft paws padding behind me. I flicked my tail in annoyance. Hurry up and eat, I was telling him. After eating my share, I loped off into the forest without another look at the young one. When I got to my den, I heard crunching. My ears popped up, alert. I smelled the young one and stood. He paced just outside my den, pleading. 

“Come in,” I growled. He joyfully bounded in. “Don’t get cozy.” 

“I’m Silver,” he whined.

“Yellowstone,” I growled back. 

He barked out a laugh, “Like the park.” 

“My pack name.”

“You've traveled far,” he noted.

“Your pack, pup!” I demanded. 

“Dead,” he said whining. 



“Alpha Male and Female.” 

“You’re Miss Interrogator.” 

“I’m your senior. Alphas?” 

“Dirt and Cloud,” he growled. My tail dropped.

“People?” I asked. 

“Fire. I don’t know if anyone else survived.” 

“You’ll stay with me until we find someone from your pack. If we ever do,” I told him. 

I curled up to sleep and the young one did the same. It was a restless night for me. The young one constantly twitched and when he was finally still, nightmares haunted me. Guns firing in the air and the howls of wolves nearby. When I woke from my sleepless night, the young one was still sound asleep. I gently nudged him awake with my shoulder. 

“We move on to find your pack,” I told him. He snarled and I glared at him. “Not a morning wolf are you?” To that comment he tried to take a chunk out of my leg. “Fine, you can find food and your pack by yourself!” I loped out and ran north. He didn't follow, at least that I noticed. I checked again and willed myself to change. I felt my claws change to nails and my paws to hands. Then I grew hair instead of fur. The process was slow. A few minutes later, I was in my human form. I curled my fist, watching my very human hands. Hands that could kill so surely and suddenly. 

“Stacy?” a voice called. 

“Here,” I called back. I moved to grab the pants and shirt I had stashed nearby nearly a month ago. I heard a rustle that wasn't mine and saw the young one. “Silver, away,” I told him with a flick of my hand. I was afraid for his life. He seemed to understand and he ran away. The man came into view just as I was pulling my shirt over my head.

“Stacy!” he called dropping his gun and running to me. I opened my arms and hugged him. “What on earth do you do out here?” he asked.

“Find myself Travis. I spend time with the animals and make observations,” I answered. Travis just shook his head. 

“It’s dangerous. And you've lost your backpack again,” he noted. 

“Travis, you worry too much. I know how to survive off the land,” I rebuked him. He smiled cheekily and scooped me up bridal style. 

“Come along dear. Let’s go home,” he suggested and began walking through the woods. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my ear over his heart. I heard it beat and smile. My sensitive hearing could hear better than any human, and it was a comfort. I also heard a quiet movement in the bushes behind us. I knew it was Silver from the scent and the sounds weren't being covered at all. We made it to a quaint log cabin, still in the middle of nowhere. Travis kicked the door open, stepped in, then kicked it closed. He brought my lips to his and kissed me passionately. 

“I miss you. Every single time,” he said when we pulled apart.

“I miss you too,” I answered. He pulled me back in for a kiss, the taste of beer and jerky on his lips. I pulled him to me tighter, trying to savor his flavor. I didn't know how long I could hide it from him, but I knew I had to. If I didn't, he’d kill me and all my wolves I've desperately protected. I pushed the thoughts from my mind and enjoyed the moment of being with him. In that moment, that was all that mattered.